Taxation and Finance

Payment of tax bill 

A tax bill of less than $300.00 shall be paid in one instalment and shall be due on April 1.

A tax bill equal to or greater than $300.00 is payable in a single payment or in three payments on the following dates

March 31
June 30th
August 31st

Methods of payment for the tax bill

  • Online banking (depending on the institution)
  • By mail, by enclosing a cheque, money order or a series of post-dated cheques payable to “Municipality of Frelighsburg” along with the payment coupons
  • Directly to the Frelighsburg Town Hall during regular business hours (cash in the exact amount or cheque)

New homeowners

Are you a new homeowner? It is possible that the tax bill for your property was mailed to the previous owner. If this is the case, please note that this does not relieve you of the obligation to pay your taxes on time.

It is your responsibility to obtain your tax bill. If you have not received your tax bill, please call (450) 298-5133, ext. 25 or write to for information.

Financial records